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Wie starte ich XLSTAT zum ersten Mal (Excel 2003 und früher)?

Welche Excel- oder XLSTAT-Version Sie auch benutzen, es ist notwendig, dass das Macro-Sicherheitsniveau auf das Niveau Mittel gesetzt ist, damit XLSTAT ausgeführt werden kann.

Aktivieren der Ausführung von Makros

Excel 97 to Excel 2003: Benutzen Sie das Menu Tools/Macros/Sicherheit in Excel


Starten von XLSTAT

To run XLSTAT for the first time, you can either choose the option to start XLSTAT after the installation procedure, use the Windows Start / Programs / Addinsoft / XLSTAT command, use the XLSTAT shortcut on your desktop, or launch Excel, then open the XLSTAT.xla file using the Excel open command.

If XLSTAT was installed for the first time, the 30 days trial version will start automatically. If you already used the trial version, you have to activate XLSTAT, you can find a tutorial here.

If you are using XLSTAT for the first time, XLSTAT will add a new button buttongreen.gif in the Excel standard toolbar. The button can be used to open XLSTAT when you are using Excel, and can be removed if you wish. This button can also be used to close XLSTAT.

After completing this procedure, the XLSTAT toolbar and the XLSTAT menu will be added to Excel (see image below). Both the toolbar and the menu allow the user to access all XLSTAT functionalities.

XLSTAT - Data Analysis Software

The XLSTAT toolbar can be used to access sub-toolbars. By leaving the cursor on a button, you can see the corresponding function. By clicking on it, you activate the dialog box corresponding to the selected function.

XLSTAT - Data Analysis Software

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